So it's been a hot minute! I've had a very busy few months and have been rather slack with the blog! With the slowing down of life as a result of COVID-19, I now have more time to sit down and write.
I thought the best way to ease back in would be to share my recipe for good old fashioned English apple crumble. With Mothers Day coming up this weekend, this crumble could be the piste de resistance to your Sunday lunch you cook for your mum! Ingredients Filling
I'd love to hear how you go with the recipe, it's super quick and easy yet effective. I've made it multiple times now and never had any leftovers! Take care, E x
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Happy Monday all!
It’s been a little while since I’ve been on here and shared some of the little things I love. I recently changed my job and with that came a change in lifestyle, leaving me time poor and a lot busier! Gone are the days I could write my blog in my down time at my previous office!! As we are now in a new month and I’ve finally settled into my new role I thought I’d pick up my blog and spread some love and positivity! I thought as my first blog back I’d share what I’ve been loving these past few months; my career change has come with a plethora of new and exciting things I’ve discovered and loved! So, grab a cup of tea, a warm blanket and snuggle up for a read…if you’re in this hemisphere anyway! The Happy Place – Ferne Cotton (UK) I’ve always loved podcasts and have spoken about them at length to friends and colleagues, however as I now have more time to actually listen to them I’ve discovered a few new ones to occupy my ears as I take the train to and from work. The endearing “The Happy Place” is an interview style podcast with some pretty amazing guests. So far, I’ve listened to Ferne interview Lena Headey, Stephen Fry, Russel Brand, Dawn French and Zoe Sugg. Ferne’s honest and raw conversations about mental health, addiction, social media and above all finding individual happiness have been a total joy to listen to. Each have very different stories, come from varied backgrounds but all equally battle the same thing – the pursuit of happiness. From Lena’s agonising struggle with depression and her openness to talk about it and share some inspiring, long lasting advice; to Zoe’s honest insight into a world I’ve always idolised, that of a social influencer; to Stephen’s frank and measured conversations about mental health, sexuality and physical health. “The Happy Place” is one to add to your list, you won’t regret it! The New Adventures of Sabrina Slight change of pace on this one! I am by nature a massive scaredy cat. I don’t do horror, crime or anything with scary faces yet I was able to get through two seasons with minimal nightmares (lol) and lots of hiding behind a cushion. I was a big fan of the original series from the 90’s. I remember coming home from school to watch it with my mum and Lana, wishing so badly I could wake one day and be a witch! However, this dark adaptation is a total shift! I really enjoyed it and hope you will too, with or with a pillow! After work drinks For those of you who follow me on my socials you will have realised that pretty much every Friday I will post an obligatory photo of an alcoholic beverage! Since moving to the city for work nearly 3 months ago, I have really stepped out of my shell and am actively partaking in drinks after work. I absolutely love it! You bond with your team, get to enjoy the city and let off some much-needed steam from the busy week. My manager is a massive drinker so most of the time I find myself trying to keep up, but I feel like I have a new lease on life given I was the youngest staff member in my last job by about 20 years! Less tea and more wine, it’s great! Reading Seems simple enough, everyone reads right? Well since changing my job I now take public transport and require a great deal of distraction from the mundane and the crazy people that frequent the Mernda line! When I’m not listening to a podcast I’ll be reading a book on the train, trying very hard not to stumble! I’ve always loved reading but only really did it on a weekend away or on holiday. I’ve now fallen back in love with books and stories because I now have the time to read them. Some of my favourites I’ve read recently have been: Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng A haunting novel that focuses on the intricate workings of a teenage, mix raced girl, growing up in the 1970’s. It reminds you to always check in, to talk and to never be afraid to fail. Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng You can see a theme with author here, but I just love her writing and the way she makes everyday stories so relatable and compelling. This nostalgic number again hooks into family dynamics, difficult subject matter such as abortion which is still taboo talk to this day and above all the love of a mother for her daughter. Something in The Water by Catherine Steadman This one is completely left field from my usual choice however the synopsis hooked me, and I thought I’d give this thriller a go! Super punchy writing and a real page turner, it makes you question how well you really know people and what human instinct can do to seeming good people. When you’re reading I’m sure you’ll ask the same question as I did, “would you keep it?”. Eye Cream Another change of pace, eye cream guys, GET ON IT. As most of my friends and family already know I am obsessed with it, I use 2 every day and night. I am terrified of ageing. I have so much I want to do and accomplish, and I hate the idea that my time is somehow running out. If you haven’t guessed yet I definitely have some kind of undiagnosed gerascophobia, lol! So, to delay the physical signs of aging which should in turn delay my metal fear of ageing (yes, I’m am Jedi mind tricking myself) - I use eye cream. The ones I’ve been obsessed with are the Ole Henricksen Banana Bright cream and then I follow it with The Ordinary Caffeine Oil. Not only do they work to combat the bags and dark circles, my makeup sits so much better under my eyes! I remember reading an article when I was in my teens and they said start using eye and night cream in your 20’s and you’ll be thankful in your 40’s. So here I am, eye cream, night creams and all, doing my best to turn back time Cher style! French Fragrance By chance I have been drawn to a couple of French Fragrance brands over the past 6 months or so. The first being L’Artisan Parfumer’s - Champs De Fleurs which is a uniquely fresh, sweet scent that I’m obsessed with! You can get it from Myer, I got mine from Debenhams, but I think they’re closing so best bet is Myer. The second is a more recent find but I have literally been drenching myself in it since I discovered it on a recent Mecca trip. It’s 100Bon - Tonka Et Amande. This sweet almond scent is a total win and reminds me a of a cherry bake well, I cannot get enough of it! So don’t mind me sitting here pretending to be a sophisticated French woman, well smelling like one anyway hehe :-) ~ Well there you have it folks for now. I thought I’d ease back in but am committed to posting lots more this year. I’ve had such lovely feedback from friends and family and its been so encouraging and fulfilling and I really appreciate each and everyone of you who reads and comments on the blog. I’ll be popping a few recipe’s up shortly and then I’ll post another blog soon so stay tuned, until next time, E x Ah! February, the month you’re technically supposed to have it all back together again after the Christmas break but still feel out of sorts. Children are back at school, most are back at work and the summer is drawing to an end (in this hemisphere).
It may be the shortest month of the year but I still managed to discover a lot of things to love and like in those 28 days and here is what I found: Sol de Janeiro My dear friends bought me their Brazilian Touch Hand Cream and Lip Balm for my birthday and I now cannot go a day without using both, they live in my handbag! Having heard about their infamous “Bum Bum" cream I was really excited to test out the brand and I must say I am not disappointed. From the texture, to the smell to the cute branding I’m hooked! Reformer Pilates I have always wished I looked as good as a 1950's pinup whilst exercising but alas I am always a red, sweaty mess! Having done mat Pilates before and actively practiced Yoga since my teens I have always liked this form of exercise. In February I decided to try my hand at reformer Pilates. I signed up for an introductory offer at Pilates Revolution in Preston and I’m really into it. Everyone is so friendly and the classes are small so you get that one on one time with the instructor. Having injured my back in 2017 I am always so conscious about ensuring I’m using the correct technique and keeping my core strong to support my back. I’m still at the foundation level but really enjoying how strong and balanced I feel after just a few weeks. This, coupled with the yoga means I fell well balanced and Zen like. Olaplex Shampoo & Conditioner Bought in early Feb after my beloved Kevin Murphy Angel Wash & Rinse had run out, I thought I would try something new. Having heard rave reviews and been a big fan of their #3 treatment, I expected nothing less than amazing. I can say after about 6 weeks use I am not disappointed! My hair is the 3 S’s - soft, silky and shiny. This is some feat for a girl with a full head of bleach blonde foils! The combo really complements the before wash treatment and I use it feeling a lot less guilty about the damage I inflict on my hair at the salon! Highly recommend it, even if it is on the pricier side! Adidas Cloud Foam Slides I first discovered the magic of these slides when my uncle came over from the UK back in October 2018 for my sister’s wedding. He was wearing them and raving about how comfy they were! Having not really jumped on the slide bandwagon I wasn’t sold; however fast forward to a few months later hearing my dad and Stathis still raving about them (they both got a pair while my uncle was here) I gave in and bought a pair. Well, I’m going to call it – COMFIEST SLIDES EVER!! Soft, durable and lightweight they are an absolute dream! I wear mine around the house like slippers and outside if I’m rocking an “active wear” look. They are actually the best, do yourself a favor and get a pair before they sell out! An Evening with Nigella Lawson Having been fans for years, owning every book she ever written and hearing she was in Melbourne, it was a given that Mum and I would attend her show at Hamer Hall. I have so many fond memories of watching her Christmas specials with mum, or trawling though her books to find a new and exciting dish to try. Going into it I wasn’t quite sure what to expect as I hadn’t read much about it, wanting to be pleasantly surprised. The night consisted of her and Gary Mehigan sitting down and having a Q&A for the first portion of the evening and the second, the audience taking their opportunity to ask her questions. It was a refreshing and insightful look into her life and her as a person. If I didn’t already love her enough I left having a new found respect and fondness for her. She gave some great answers to questions about young women in the 21st century, self-confidence, food shaming and so much more! Loved every minute of it and I got to share it with mum! In fact, we made the most of the night and went to Arbory Afloat prior to the event for pizza and cocktails; let’s just say we didn’t stop giggling until intermission as I think they may have gone to our heads! Gossip Girl February was such a crazy month I didn’t even start a book, I’m still on the same book since December (not like me at all I know). Instead I have found myself almost night after night laying out on my beanbag and binging on Gossip Girl. Shock horror but I never actually watched it when it first aired so I am well and truly late to the Upper East Side party! There is so much to like about the show and the nostalgic early 2000’s fashion, the flip phones and drooling over Nate Archibald, it’s just great! I’m currently on Season 4 so I’m relishing the Paris episodes and the clothes, ahhhh the clothes are seriously the best! Since when did we all stop wearing sequins?! I need re-invent this trend to live out my Serena van der Woodsen fantasy! Unfortunately, as I am nearing the end of the series and will duly have to move on from teen drama to I’m sure more teen drama I’m loving every minute of it! So we are now into early March and I have a few fave’s already lined up for you guys. I hope you enjoyed hearing about my obscure but funny things that saw me through February. Whilst you’re here and reading feel free to comment your Feb fave’s and perhaps help a sister out with a new series to watch! Until next time, E xxt Over the years I have had my fair share of skin issues, mostly acne related but as I get older I now have to contend with eye creams and anti-ageing as well! Given my skin is now looking the best it’s ever been since I was an early teen I thought I’d share my current skincare routine and tell you a little about the products that I like to use.
Cleanser So I discovered micellar water about 4 years ago and I have never looked back, I cleanse my skin with a cotton pad a generous amount of Bioderma Sensibio H2O Micelle Solution to remove any makeup, dirt or sunscreen left over from the day. I cleanse morning and night regardless of makeup because you’d be surprised what can linger on your skin overnight or after a makeup free day! I then use my La Roche-Posay Effaclar Foaming Gel to do a final cleanse before moving onto serums and moisturiser. Moisturiser I’ve never really been loyal to a face moisturiser, I liked the Neutrogena oil free moisturiser last year but I usually like to try new ones every 2 months or so. I tend to get a lot of samples and mini’s which I like to try and then try the big version if I like it and my skin reacts well. I’m currently loving the Josie Maran Cosmetics Argan Oil Daily Moisturiser with SPF 15. Its rich formula really melts into my skin and is a fantastic base for makeup as it seems to keep my usually oily t-zone at bay. I am almost out of it and am keen to try the new Clinique ID range as I used their moisturisers in high school and really liked the formula. Serums I use 3 serums every day without fail, the first is a targeted serum for under my eyes - The Ordinary Caffeine Solution 5% which has done wonders for my under eye suitcases and the price point is even better at just $12.70! I then use The Ordinary Buffet which tackles the visible signs of ageing. I know I’m only 28 but I read somewhere years ago that if you start using anti-aging in your 20’s you’ll thank yourself in your 30’s and 40’s. This also retails for an amazing price at just $24.90! Most anti-aging products start at the $70 mark and go up from there so this is a steal and again, it works! Lastly I use La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo which was recommended to me by my dermatologist 2 years ago and I have never looked back since. This serum has single handedly changed my skin for life. I no longer get painful breakouts, blackheads or scarring. I get the odd hormonal pimple but nothing like what I used to get in my late teens and early 20’s. If you are struggling with your acne prone skin the La Roche-Posay Effaclar range is a true life saver and I can honestly say IT WORKS! Scrubs Now my dermatologist also said that you shouldn’t exfoliate or break the skin as it will naturally exfoliate itself so I have done away with any kind of abrasive scrubs that used to live in my shower, I mean didn’t we all have that St Ives apricot scrub in our showers in high school? This change to my routine has made a big change to my skin; I used to get breakouts and feel like I had to scrub them away, what I didn’t realise was that all I was doing was breaking the skin and exposing it to more dirt and therefore never really breaking that breakout cycle. Now every 2-3 months I may use a very light exfoliator if I am getting a facial or doing an at home pamper sesh. Face masks You’re going to get sick of hearing about this brand but I just love it that much! I use the La Roche-Posay Effaclar clay mask about once a fortnight, it complements the other products I use by removing impurities and removing any excess oil on my face. I’ll do the occasional under eye mask but I’m not loyal to a particular brand and I also do pore strips sometimes but again not as often as I used to. So there you have it folks, a quick peek into my skincare routine. I’m currently on the hunt for some before photos of just how bad my skin was so I can do an after photo for my acne journey, but the trouble is I didn’t really let the camera get that close when my skin was bad so it’s proving more difficult than first anticipated, but keep a lookout on my Instagram for when I do find it! Until next time, E xx u*Side note before reading - grab yourself an iced latte and take a seat as this is a big one!
It’s a month that feels like a lifetime, however January is still one of my favourite months of the year. Not just because I celebrate my birthday on the 22nd, or because we have not 1 but 2 public holidays or that we have some of the hottest weather; it’s my favourite because I feel like it’s a chance to reset and start anew. They say most people start a diet on a Monday because it’s like a reset, so January is basically the Monday of the months which I know has positive and negative connotations and even a few memes attached to it! Either way I’m all about love so here are a few things I have loved this month and am sure I’ll continue to love the year over… Sunshine!!! Having spent the first month of summer in icy Europe I was desperate to get back and soak up the summer sun! As the skies stay lighter for longer and the sun sets in an array of pinks, purples and deep ambers the days feel like they last forever and the fun events and things you can do during summer just keep on going. I love how happy people are when the sun is shining, how people are more willing to just go for a drink or lay in the park, just to soak it up. I also love the heat and the warmth you feel when you’re laying out with a good book and the day to yourself! Swimming After eating way too much over Christmas and pretty much resembling an “unsupervised child at a birthday party” since September, I knew I needed to get back on track! I’ve always loved to swim, my Grandad Baz taught me to swim on a holiday to Mallorca one year and I’ve loved it ever since. I swam competitively as a kid and always felt at home in the water, I am an Aquarius after all. In fact, on our Spanish summer holidays every year I was the last one out of the pool, I’d be all pruned and golden from the sun, it really was the best! So as I have such a love of swimming and a such an aversion to the gym, I’ve been heading to the pools since I got back from my trip. At the moment its extra lovely as the days are hot enough I can swim outside, but even as the summer sun subsides and the autumn leaves begin to fall, I’ll still be swimming for a long time to come I’m sure! Rituals… Now I know where your mind just went, human sacrifice and goats or something but no, nothing sinister like that. Rituals... is a Dutch bath and body company that I happened upon in Debenhams on Oxford St one icy cold day in December! I walked past their counter and was instantly taken by the smells and the look of the display. Their brand aims to, and I quote “turn everyday routines into more meaningful moments with luxury products that unwind body and soul” I mean, who wouldn’t love that right?! I love its ideology of actually taking the time to care for your body rather than just spraying on moisturizer as you run out the door. What I loved most is their mists. I have two and looking back now I wished I bought more! You can either spray them on your pillow before you go to bed or you can spray them on you as a daily hair and body fragrance, I tend to do this the most. Their earthy and clean scents are a dream and I intend to invest in a lot more products. I recommend: The Ritual of Ayurveda mist and The Ritual of Dao mist. Jane the Virgin… A little on the lighter side of life, this telenovela about a girl named Jane who gets artificially inseminated during her pap smear is one to watch if you haven’t already! Although not new nor new to me, I found myself binge watching 2 seasons this month. I had started watching it last year but just got side tracked. One of my best friends Sophia introduced it to me and we always have such a giggle over it so I knew I had to get up to date now the last season is about to come out! With lots of plot twists and turns this show makes you laugh, cry, cringe and swoon all at the same time! My favourite character is Jane’s long lost father Rogelio De La Vega, a telenovela star with a big heart and an even bigger twitter following! He makes me laugh till it hurts! If you are looking for a little life reprieve and some laughs, then get on it quick before the new season starts and enjoy! Seven Wonders the Label… I love clothes, this is a known fact by all. I love buying, collecting, wearing and hoarding clothes! I’m always on the hunt for new and different pieces and being such a beautiful hot summer I was on the lookout for some light, wearable pieces that would serve me well during this summer and the European summer I’m off to in a few months. I was on my usual Insty 10-minute break at work and stumbled across their page and I was instantly hooked. Earthy tones, light fabrics and cute clothes in my size! So I placed an order for a couple of things, just to gauge the brand and sizing and boy was I not disappointed. I ordered their “Alannah Cami” in mustard and their “Piper Skirt” in black and white spots (my favourite!). They arrived within days (Aussie company represent!), fit like gems and to top it off if you sign up, they give you redeemable points, winning! Head to their site and find your next piece, you won’t be disappointed! Too Faced… I’ve always been a fan of the brand with their constant turnover of new products and fun packaging but since December I have been obsessed with their limited edition liquid lipstick pack and Gingerbread eyeshadow palette! The autumnal warm shades are so versatile and smell amazing! I’ve been wearing the shades “Spiked Eggnog” on my lids, “Gingerbread” in my crease and “Spice of Life” on my lower lash line. Other amazing shades like “Spice is Nice”, “Ooo Burn!” and “Reindeer Paws” are also big favourites of mine. With regard to their liquid lipsticks I am so impressed with the payoff, the longevity and the smell! I lived in “Cinnamon Bear” in Paris and wore it on my Birthday night out. While “Sugar Cookie” smells amazing, I need to wait until I’m a little less tanned for it suit me. The other two shades “Hot Buttered Rum” and “Pumpkin Spice” live in my handbag. Not sure if you can still get any of the products now as Christmas is well and truly over but hopefully they’ll pop up on eBay soon! Books… An eternal bookworm I’m always on Booktopia looking for my next read. I am currently reading a light, summery novel by the infamous Nicholas Sparks called “Every Breath”. The book hooked me within the first few pages as I learned that the story was from Nicholas’ own experience when he discovered it in a letterbox named “Kindred Spirt” on a secluded beach. He follows the story and eventually found the author of the note left in the box and the story goes on from there. I’m still reading so I can’t say more but as always I love reading his books this time of year. They have a summery vibe and are easy to read. A book I currently have on my bedside table that I look at most nights is called ”Feminists Don’t Wear Pink and Other Lies” by acclaimed writer Scarlett Curtis and a bunch of super cool, intelligent and insightful women on what feminism means to them. I was eager to buy this and actually got it way back in November but with the Europe trip I hadn’t had the chance to get stuck into the essays within. I was so excited I even bought a second copy for my best friend Ruth who has continuously encouraged me to be strong woman with a voice and so it felt only apt that I would get it for her birthday. Another book I have by bedside is Sarah Knight’s “The Life Changing Magic of not Giving a F*** “which was described by Elle (Australia) as "A mix of Oprah Winfrey-style mantras and Amy Schumer-esque obscenities." And boy they got that right! Not something I read every day but pick up when I need a pick me up. This has featured heavily this month as I work my way through how I want this year to be for me and how I want to conduct myself. Water… Those who’ve had the pleasure of my company these last few weeks will know about my current obsession with water. After watching a pretty eye opening documentary on Netflix called “Explained” I feel as though I am on a mission to educate anyone and everyone on the importance of being informed about nature’s most precious resource. With global warming looming over us and ground water resources drying up by the second, the future of water being a right not a luxury is becoming a dim possibility. I nearly fell off my chair when they spoke about the fact that South Africa was about to hit ‘ground zero’ on ground water just last year (2018), that private trust accounts are investing in water stocks and that water could soon be seen as a commodity like oil or gold. I mean granted the latter makes sense as those too are natural resources that we have just plundered at will, but still the thought of us running out of water is just crazy to me in 2019. Now I am no expert nor am I 100% across the topic but this short film really got me thinking. Do yourselves a favour, watch it and educate yourselves! HP Sprockett… This wonderful device has been on my wish list for a while and I got it for my birthday from my lovely boyfriend Stathis. It’s an instant smartphone printer that prints pictures you can stick to anything you like! It also has this cool feature where you can hover over the printed picture and get more content but I haven’t quiet mastered it yet! The big reason I wanted it was because I wanted to make a travel scrapbook. I bought heaps of cool scrapbook stuff from Japan and have collected postcards and mementos from my years of travel and had hoped to show it to my children one day and help inspire them to travel as well! So now I’m well on my way to completing this task, I just need a few rainy days, hopefully not too soon though! So there you have it folks, told you it was long! I’m keen to keep doing these favourites posts as I love finding new things and sharing my experiences or even being recommended things so comment down below and share the love! Until next time, E xxx My first time to the city of love was many years ago as a child with my family when we still lived in England. We had gone for what would become our annual trip to Disneyland. My sister and I were obsessed with the love stories and the princesses, I was Ariel and my sister was Jasmine and sometimes Belle. Every trip was an adventure; we’d stay in Disneyland in their hotel and have breakfast with Winnie the Pooh, Goofy and Mickey, head to the rides for the day and finish with a walk around the park to see all the lights. My parents always took great care in making each time special and memorable. My parents love letter to my sister and I.
Flash forward to my early twenties and I embarked on a new trip to Paris. Whilst my Ariel costume was long gone I had a new costume, a young traveller in search of adventure. I went with friends at the time; we’d planned a 6 week holiday, England, France, Italy, Germany and Singapore. This was to be a trip of a lifetime, my love letter to myself. Unfortunately, things didn’t exactly go to plan, and Paris saw me at my darkest. Hard lessons were learned, friendships were broken and my heart was left feeling very sad. Whilst I had since gone back to England, I still felt like a weight was over me, like I had to find my closure and release the ghost. It was such an awful time, I felt lonely and isolated and that I could never find happiness in a place I had loved since I was a child. Now 3 years on from that awful experience, I booked to go to England for Christmas with my family. I hadn’t thought of going anywhere else really as I was so keen to show Stathis my home and where I came from. It wasn’t until I was perusing Trip Advisor as I so often do, when a day trip popped up on my screen - “Romantic Paris getaway for 2”. Every time I thought about Paris my heart always kind of skipped a beat, and this time I thought to myself, this isn’t how I want to remember Paris. I want to make new memories, similar to my childhood memories and reframe that whole sad time in my life! I had to write a new love letter. So I booked a 3 day getaway during our England trip for just the two of us – our own little romantic getaway. I found the nicest hotel in our budget, planned our days and instantly felt lighter in some way. When we arrived to the hustle and bustle of Gare De Nord, after almost missing our 5:30 am train, I felt such a buzz and array of excitement. That sense of adventure and freedom was back and I was ready, with Stathis by my side. We didn’t waste any time, picking up our Paris passes and jumping on the hop on hop off bus before 10 am. We had fresh croissant and hot coffee in our bellies and we were ready to go! It was so cold but I felt so warm. I saw so many things that felt familiar but now brand new. Stathis and I marvelled at Haussmann’s Paris, with the signature limestone buildings, ornate facades and balconies adorned with fresh flowers, even in the height of winter. I was in love. Watching Stathis wonder at the grandeur of the city, the impressiveness of the sights and see him smile, the ghost was gone. By lunch on that first day, as we sat down to eat at a beautiful café near our hotel, I felt so happy. I knew Stathis already loved Paris as much as I did and knew the next few days were going to be magical. This was my love letter to him. We went everywhere our feet would take us, the Louvre, Notre-Dame, Champs-Elysées. We walked along the river Seine, crossed famous bridges like the Pont Neuf and Pont Alexandre III, we ate our weight in crepes opposite the Eiffel Tower, indulged in the decadence of Ladurée and finished our last day with a trip to the Palace of Versailles. I have visited many cities and lived in one of the biggest in the world, but something always brings me back to Paris. It’s a big statement but it is my favourite city ever. A classic romantic at heart, a lover of architecture and food, this place has it all. If you are planning a European vacation, you must place Paris at the top of your list. Not just for the trip up the Eiffel Tower or to wear a red beret and eat croissant. But for the feeling you get when you are there. The feeling of walking where past lovers have walked, where wars of passion and justice have been fought, and where I fell so hard but rose again. My love story with Paris is not typical but it is epic to me. I hope you find your story there too. Until next time, E x Over a year ago now I was honoured to be asked by a friend to make her engagement cake after she'd seen my dabbles in cake making on my social media. My first though was OMG I'm not a professional - what if I screw it up?! But she had the clam trust in me that it would all work out ok - which luckily it did!
Fast forward to their wedding over the weekend where she asked me to recreate the cake but also do her wedding floristry as well. Again those nerves set in as I wanted to make sure everything was perfect for her on her special day. With a lot of help from Pinterest and YouTube I set about making her flowers and cake. I must say as I started and the nerves wore off, I felt so excited to be so creative and create something so beautiful. The bride Hayley had given me creative licence with a few photos and requests, I was able to create a bright, spring, eclectic bunch to complement the beautiful venue. the cake was also well placed in the rustic Brunswick warehouse with it's exposed brick mirroring the exposed cake - a match made in heaven! I will be forever thankful for this opportunity and am only more inspired and excited to see what other creations I can come up with in the future! If you have any stories of your own creative encounters or tips and tricks I'd love to hear them! love as always and until next time, E x ![]() As I sit here drinking my 3rd cup of peppermint tea I am filled with such giddy excitement and joy...only two more Monday's left of work before I jet off back home to the UK for Christmas! You see for or those who do not know me personally, I make Buddy the Elf look like Ebenezer Scrooge! I don't know what it is about this time of year that has captured my heart the way Christmas has. Is it the lights, the music and movies, the food maybe? Or perhaps something deeper than that - you see to me Christmas is all about love. The love we share with our family and friends whilst we tear a cracker together over lunch, the love we feel when remembering those no longer here, the love we show when choosing the perfect gift for someone special, knowing the best part about the gift giving, is the look on their face when they open that little piece of love. My friends think I'm crazy and perhaps maybe I am! I start planning Christmas in September usually - what am I going to make, eat, share and create?! This year is even more special however as I, like the song says, I'll be home for Christmas; even as I type the words I feel a lump in my throat. I cannot begin to explain the pure and utter joy that fills me knowing I will be back home for my favourite time of year, making new memories with my loved ones, seeing familiar faces again and feeling a chill on my face as I marvel at the impressive lights and decorations that fill the streets of London. It's almost childlike but I'm ok with that. 363 days of the year I have to be a grown up, pay bills, save for a house, this is my time to just be that big kid again! So to kick off the festive feels for all of you that actually wait till the end of November early December to start feeling festive, I thought I'd share with you my infamous gingerbread cookie recipe to get your home smelling festive and you heart feeling full with all that joy that Christmas has to offer! I hope you love them as much as I do and would love to hear of any recipes or things you do to make yourself feel festive during this, the most wonderful time of year! Ingredients 3 cups of plain white flour ½ cup of golden syrup ¼ cup of brown sugar 2 tsp of ground cinnamon 2 tsp of ground ginger 1 tsp of ground nutmeg 1 tsp of bicarb 120 grams of cold butter cubed ¼ cup of apple sauce ( interesting fact - this was by accident - when I began making the cookies and realised I had no eggs and had to Google an egg equivalent, turns out they taste even better with the apple!) Directions
They last for two weeks if kept in Tupperware - but I know when I make them they usually don't last the night! Until next time, E x |
AuthorA twenty something London girl, living in Melbourne. I love all things food, travel, fairy lights, design, fashion and floral! Here to ramble and entertain whilst you sip your morning cuppa! |